Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Harlem Jazz Club

2x1 for the entrance ticket
The Harlem Jazz Club, located on a beautiful narrow street in the Gothic Quarter, is one of the most legendary concert halls in the city of Barcelona. Among its four walls more than 8000 concerts have been performed, scheduled daily from 8 pm to 4 am.
The Harlem programs many different activities: it hosts annually many of the concerts of the Barcelona Jazz Festival: blues, funk, jazz and soul. In addition, on Saturdays at 8:30 pm 'Contes and stories' take place, which are shows for adults where the authours tell stories in different languages. Recently, the most funky people can have a dose of the most danceable jazz by the residents DJs Fred Guzzo and Alexis Goulene.
The Harlem Jazz Club is not just a jazz club. It is one of those hidden places of old Barcelona that must be discovered.

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